ASUS ZenPad Z8s review: Another great tablet from ASUS

A year ago, I checked on the ASUS ZenPad 3S 10. At the time, it was ASUS' lead tablet and took a reasonable piece of plan motivation from the iPad. I left away for the most part awed, however the obsolete rendition of Android (6.0 Marshmallow) and pitiful battery life certainly kept down its potential.

Around a similar time, ASUS discharged the ZenPad Z10, a comparable tablet restrictive to Verizon. On the off chance that you read Jordan's survey, you'll know it was a vastly improved gadget. It had a superior processor, a greater battery, and Verizon LTE bolster. ASUS has now lined up that tablet with the ZenPad Z8s, another Verizon-select tablet with comparative specs and outline. Be that as it may, as the name infers, this one has an eight-inch screen rather than a 10-inch one.

The Android tablet market won't not be as energizing as it was amid the Honeycomb and ICS period, however I think the Z8s is as yet a darn decent tablet.


CPU Snapdragon 652


Display 8" 2048x1536 IPS LCD

Storage 16GB with microSD development

Camera 13MP raise camera, 5MP front camera

Battery 4,680mAh

Connectivity Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/air conditioning, Bluetooth 4.2, Verizon LTE Advanced


Display The 2048x1536 screen looks incredible.

Design This has a similar premium-inclination metal outline that the Z10 has.

Battery The Z8s can without much of a stretch last various fling watching sessions, and sit still battery deplete is almost zero.

Storage There's a microSD card opening.


Software I would have gotten a kick out of the chance to see 7.1 now, and ASUS' track record with refreshes isn't extraordinary.

Navigation Not just are there capacitive route catches, yet they don't illuminate oblivious.

Charging There is no speedy charging.

Exclusivity You can just purchase this tablet from Verizon.

Outline and Display

The past ZenPad Z8 wasn't much to take a gander at - it had a dark front and back, with the main features being an ASUS logo on the back and a Verizon sticker on the front. The new Z8s is a colossal overhaul in this division, with an aluminum back and a plastic band at the best (for remote gathering). The sides and catches are additionally metal, giving the Z8s an extremely premium feel.

On the base is a USB Type-C port, which doesn't seem to help any level of quick charging. The included divider connector just conveys 5V/3A, and both my Pixel's USB-PD charger and my ZenPad 3S 10's QuickCharge 3.0 charger had a similar greatest speed. The absence of any speedy charging usefulness appears to be odd, particularly considering both the 3S 10 and Z10 upheld QC3.0.

On the two sides of the charging port are the speakers. The situating of the speakers was one of my huge objections with the ZenPad 3S 10, which additionally had them on the base. When watching media in scene, your hands will cover both, unless you hold it by one side or lean it against something. I truly wish more tablets had forward looking speakers.

There's likewise an earphone jack, which you can't underestimate nowadays. On the left side is the microSD/SIM card plate, and on the privilege is the power catch and volume rocker. It's significant that the Z8s supports Android's adoptable stockpiling, as long as you have a sufficiently quick SD card. The power catch is situated underneath the volume rocker, which is a bit of irritating; I'm more used to the power catch being on top from utilizing my Pixel.

Left: ZenPad Z8s; Right: ZenPad 3S 10

Moving to the front, we see one of the Z8s' primary attractions - the 2048x1536 IPS LCD show. Most 8" tablets as a rule have 720p or 1080p screens, yet ASUS has run hard and fast with the screen on the Z8s. It's not AMOLED, but rather it gets brilliant and the hues are incredible. You may see that the determination is somewhat abnormal - that is on account of the screen has a 4:3 viewpoint proportion like the iPad.

While this is certainly superior to anything 16:9 for web perusing and perusing, it's not as awesome for media. You'll generally have dark bars at the best and base while watching widescreen content. Since I solely utilize tablets for media utilization, I'm not an immense enthusiast of the 4:3 screen, but rather the high determination compensates for it.

Additionally on the front of the tablet are capacitive back/late catches, and a physical home catch. Dissimilar to the ZenPad 3S 10, yet like the ZenPad Z10, the home catch isn't a unique finger impression sensor. The capacitive keys additionally don't illuminate by any means, which implies utilizing this tablet oblivious isn't awesome. When utilizing this tablet during the evening, I'll regularly need to continue tapping where I think a catch is before it gets squeezed. I truly don't comprehend why all tablets don't utilize programming route keys now.



Tablet cameras are broadly dreadful, and this is no special case. The photographs are overexposed, and shading balance is shocking. The vast majority of my photographs wound up hazy too, regardless of me holding the tablet as still as could be allowed. What's more, don't think about taking pictures around evening time or in a faintly lit room.

The front camera is somewhat better, however experiences an indistinguishable issues from the back camera. Shading balance is particularly an issue, and the 'Beautification' setting just influences you to resemble a featureless blob.

Considering that a great many people never take pictures with tablets, the Z8s' poor cameras aren't generally an issue for me. Yet, in the event that you anticipate making video approaches a general premise, you'll most likely be disillusioned.


As you may have seen in the specs sheet, the ZenPad Z8s has a Snapdragon 652 with 3GB of RAM. With the Snapdragon 6xx arrangement being known for incredible battery life, I trusted it would last me longer than the ZenPad 3S 10 did. Be that as it may, before jumping into my experience, I'll go over benchmark comes about.

On Geekbench 4, the Z8s scored a 1423 for single-center execution and 4061 for multi-center assignments (full outcomes here). On 3DMark's Sling Shot Extreme test, the tablet got a score of 869. Lastly, the Z8s scored 81393 on AnTuTu.

In genuine use, the ZenPad Z8s is bounty quick. Opening applications and exchanging between them is quick, and I just saw log jams when endeavoring to see complex site pages with bunches of media. The Snapdragon 625 isn't the best for 3D gaming, however playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas at full determination (at Medium designs) just once in a while influenced the tablet to stammer. As specified above, I generally simply utilize tablets for light perusing and media playback, and the Z8s is superb at both.

Battery Life

Another strong part of the ZenPad Z8s is the battery life. Jordan applauded the battery life of the Z10, as he got around 6.5 hours of screen-on time with a blend of gaming and media playback. That tablet had a huge 7,800mAh battery, however the Z8s has a littler 4,680mAh battery.

Regardless of the lower limit, despite everything I found the Z8s to have an incredible battery life. In one occasion, I saw 7hrs of screen-on time subsequent to utilizing the tablet on and off for three days. It's essential to take note of that my utilization may vary from yours. I extremely just utilize tablets for media utilization and periodic web perusing, and normally just for a hour or two at any given moment (that drop toward the end was a few hour fling session of The Office while I was debilitated in bed). In the event that you play 3D diversions regularly, or utilize it as an essential figuring gadget, you'll presumably observe shorter battery life.

In my testing, there didn't appear to be any discernible additional battery deplete when utilizing LTE over Wi-Fi. I will state that my zone has great Verizon scope, so the tablet didn't need to work hard to keep up a solid flag.


At the season of composing, the ZenPad Z8s is running Android 7.0 with the May first security fix level. While the product is somewhat outdated, it's still much superior to the ZenPad 3S 10 I surveyed a year ago with Android Marshmallow. While still not as extraordinary as an iPad (particularly with iOS 11's fabulous multi-entrusting), Nougat makes utilizing Android tablets so much better. Is there local multi-window, as well as the enhanced Doze influences tablets to utilize no power when taken off alone (as my battery testing obviously appeared).

Obviously, the organization's ZenUI skin is available on the Z8s. There have been a couple of changes since I investigated the 3S 10 — the notice plate looks nearer to stock Android and the launcher's Widgets tab is gone — yet it's for the most part the same. The greater part of ASUS' alterations can be killed or barely noticeable. One of the principle programming highlights is 'Obscure free movement,' which is essentially a similar movement smoothing highlight that numerous new TVs have. I'm by and by not a devotee of this, so I turned it off, yet it's there on the off chance that you need it.

A portion of alternate changes incorporate ZenMotion (signals for opening applications), application easy routes on the bolt screen, and a suite of ASUS-created applications. I'm not a devotee of the organization's console, so I quickly introduced Gboard, yet the included launcher is very pleasant. Three Verizon applications were likewise included on my unit - Verizon Cloud, Message+, and My Verizon.

It's important that ASUS' reputation for refreshes isn't the best. On the off chance that Android Oreo arrives for this tablet, it will probably be a while. The 3S 10 was discharged in July of 2016, and got Nougat right around a year later. I would have gotten a kick out of the chance to see no less than 7.1 on this unit, yet the present programming knowledge was fine as far as I can tell.


The ZenPad Z8s is a decent tablet. The screen is incredible, the manufacture quality is premium, the battery life is astounding, and it works fine and dandy with Verizon's LTE arrange. The majority of my inconveniences with this tablet are minor, similar to the capacitive route catches and camera quality. Verizon is as of now offering the Z8s for $10.41/month for two years or $249 the maximum. I feel that is a quite reasonable cost for all that you get.
